Valheim Server Installer

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The [Valheim Server Installer] is a simple BASH script that will assist a user or administrator with installing the Valheim dedicated server in a very concise and automated fashion.


This utility is designed to assist with the installation of Valheim Servers on fresh Ubuntu installs.

I am going to say that again I have only tested this on fresh Ubuntu installs. That said, I do not see that it would necessarily conflict with anything on an ubuntu home server for local play or something of that ilk.


  1. Clone the [Scripts repo]
  2. run cd Scripts/ValheimServerInstaller to move to the VSI directory
  3. run chmod +x to make the installer executable
  4. run sudo ./ to run the installer
  5. Watch the script. It will prompt you for various interactions
    • You will want to have a user password for the valheim service account, a server name, a world name, and a world password.

What it does

This script will

  1. Install SteamCMD
  2. Create a valheim user on the system to run the Valheim service from. This prevents the root account from being used as the service account.
  3. Install the Valheim server from SteamCMD
  4. Create a Valheim service with your input
  5. Enable that service to run on startup
  6. Start that service

Be aware that this script will create a user, that is expected.


(c) 2021 Daelphinux Released under the MIT License